Wednesday 5 July 2017


Not everything done by a man on a woman deserve to be called hetero. It's the divine union where nether zones interact, strictly, with each other only. Nothing else is allowed an access over there.

It's possible only under the Marital Dome as the partners, especially the woman, can dare be unarmed, off-guard, at her most vulnerable self, raw and receptive, only in marriage. Vulnerability is Strength; Normal is Best. In any case, one can not fake these virtues on oneself. 

Why should men care about that? They better do for their own good.

  • First is Worst, in fact first few are all in vain yet, that's inevitable. In any couple, the firsts are bound to prove only an investment without returns in the hope of a better future. Some opportunist males can't get it. It's only after the couple is accustomed to walk on each other's footprints that they achieve the milestone. When I say this, I realized that the Holy marriage ritual in Hindu marriage system includes the bride and the groom circumambulate the Holy fire seven times. Symbolically, the bride follows the groom for four circumambulations and it completes with the groom following bride for three circumambulations. Learning to follow each other, in every aspect.
  • No fear/apprehension of losing one's partner for this reason as they know that anything better than what they provide each other doesn't exist, except without as much vain efforts. Why would one willingly commit the sin of stealing sugar granules after one has savoured the incomparable Rasgulla.
  • Could any woman ever be able to allow the futility? Impossible. It's possible only under the Marital Dome where the age-old preaching and teachings have conditioned her for never to put the very thought of pleasure on her list of priorities; not even at the bottom of it. Only a 'Wife'  owns such endurance otherwise, women have no reason to have  such enormous 'patience'  and play guinea pig with a fake; smile. Howsoever hard a woman may try and pretend, she can never deceive her own inner self on this front; they are helpless, they are made so by Nature.
  • No need felt to check her social media contents, no insecurity/jealousy watching her laughing with another male, no desire to closet her or keep any kind of check on her.  Isn't it an issue today? 

Nature can never be deceived, and whenever it is shortchanged, it replies in its' own unique manner. 


Monday 17 April 2017


Its this post in Huff Post that prompted me today to express what's whirling in my mind for weeks:- 

I read it in the book named Energy, can't recall the name of author at the moment :-

"Chryssa Dobson, a writer for Cosmopolitan Magazine makes a terrific case for sxx with love as opposed to a different lover every day; Really good sxx comes only when you grow sensitive enough to another person to know what pleases him or her both in and out of bed...a skill hardly likely to develop overnight. You can't learn to play a musical instrument in a day; what horror to imagine trying to learn a different musical instrument each afternoon.

So when you're living with or around someone you truly love, sxx is a beautiful way to express that love."

I can't believe otherwise but that there must be a woman, or women, behind the concept of and subsequently the establishment of the institution called Marriage. As from pleasure point of view, men, apparently, don't require that. However, it's not the women only who need it. To what pinnacle the union of a couple is capable of taking them. Is mere attaining the stage of puberty the only eligibility required? Does something like impropriety/propriety or timeliness/untimeliness on the aspect even exist? 

Yes, it does. However, the moment a person decides to be a Gay, he/she shuts on him/herself the door that could have introduced them to the extreme possibility the human body is capable of. As such, no Gay has and also, could ever witness that beautiful Divine Bliss that arises out of the Divine Union of Masculine and Feminine Energies.

It's the human race that has acknowledged the existence of Fem O, which exists beyond the compulsive, seasonal desire for mating present in other animals. Besides, it has also been separated from the concept of reproduction. Attempts have been made even to curb the reproductive aspect of human mating through different inventions, in order to keep only the fun part intact

It's like deliberately maiming an athlete first and then asking her to deliver an Olympic performance. Without considering the fact that being able to reproduce is an important sign of general well being of the respective system/organ. Every attempt has been made to disable this system from reproduction point of view, the very purpose it's there for, so as to exploit only its capacity of creating those bliss waves. Ridiculously, a tiny part, the tip of iceberg attached to it, has been singled out for the purpose at the cost of the whole unit, leaving it hardly alive. Only because it served the Male scheme of things and didn't disturb their interest of smooth sailing.

Even that has not delivered as the tip of iceberg has nothing to do with the gender of its entertainer. Propagating it to be the sole facilitator in attaining the desired outcome has only distracted our race from what could and should have been. Consequences of the apathy are now not only more than visible, but are also hitting the fences. It has boomeranged, and so satirically. The flow of the river of life is visibly taking an unimaginable turn; deviations are pushing to be considered as norms. Use of Weeds for entertainment purposes being advocated and 'sympathetically' considered as well, in different corners of the Globe. Though, shyly, the presence of elephant in the room is being acknowledged but the remedies proposed and pondered over still convey the same vision that has created the imbroglio faced by humanity today. Unfortunately, still, the thrust is on 'stay' rather than 'fruition', something the former can't live without and also the thing not present anywhere else except Marriage. After all, it's the Marriage that separates humans from animals.

From that aspect, humans are unhardened, mere humans only in marriage. Outside of that, howsoever and whatsoever they may pretend to be, they remain anything but mature, uninhibited and reciprocating partners. What is meant here by uninhibited and reciprocating is the most deep, instinctive and even intuitive mind-body reflections that take place on its' own at opportune moments. These are otherwise either deliberately curbed or they don't appear at all. To learn to ride those waves is something that is possible in marriage only.

In societies where consumption of contraceptives starts even before onset of puberty, how could the affected members dream of reaching the ultimate human potential in a mating session. They are more armed and toughened, even numbed than naturally available to the possibility. Just imagine the plight of a 30 years old mother of a 15 year old child, especially a girl in such circumstances. Such a physiologically unripe adolescent girl could only get pregnant, accidentally. Expecting her to be even aware of the ultimate possibility would just be too much to think of. Ditto stands true to such boys. Besides, even if all else is okay, would the states of minds of a couple of an appropriate age, that has not passed through the Marital Dome, be matching to those of the couple that has undertaken a journey through the Marital Dome. Not a bit.

How many gay girls would be there who have never applied or consumed one or the other form of contraception on their person at least once in their lifetime. The earlier it took place, the worse.

Even those who have adopted the righteous path, meet under the third party intervention that has shackled the most relied upon and delicate component, the uterus, involved in the negotiation. Though that inevitable apprehension of illegitimacy is not looming around over there, yet, the respondent shall be hard pressed under its' own man made burdens.  Few would oppose the notion that mating is a conversation between the Seed and the Womb. All else are only the catalysts whose presence is required to facilitate that conversation towards it's meaningful conclusion. One of which we crave to retain and other one we wish to get rid of, or at least to control.

Here lies the catch. As we have accurately identified and separated the reproductive and fun parts of the phenomenon, what is needed is to accomplish the latter without denting the former. That is inevitable because if the former is debilitated, the best version of the latter is not built up. Both of them are inseparable and any attempt to forcibly suppress one results in adverse effects on the other. It can only be dodged; at the last moment. It's not backing out but staying neutral; not feeding the uninvited. I've seen  men boasting with pride of their hand and tongue dexterity. They perhaps aren't even aware of their specific endowment. Perhaps, due to the invincible propagation in favour of unique individual physiology has almost pushed to oblivion the very thought of uniformity of human physiology. The issue still being a closeted one, most of them have accepted themselves more as lacking in physiology than being as adequate as anybody else is. The notion that almost all of us are similar may be correct but it is more correct that the mindful application of the available logistics has always made the difference throughout the history of mankind. Initially, I too had faced all those symptoms that could make one quit, at the cost of the other, due to that 'unique physiology'. What made me believe otherwise was the book named 'From Sex to Super Consciousness'. Not agreeing with everything it said but the intimation that if one could sustain himself for three hours and forty eight minutes, he could attain that Blissful Samadhi. However, being able to reach only hardly one fourth of it, not often, it made me resolute that even if a single person in the history of mankind may have done that, I too can. However, I later realized that it can not take place with a 'maimed' negotiator. To make a conversation successful, two finely functional pairs of Receiver and Transmitter are inevitably required. 

The very news of the possibility compelled me to exhaust my own faculties first before succumbing to the notion of 'individual physiology'. During the process, almost all those ridiculous tricks that flood the sources of information today, also surfaced and vanished. I would write about them later somewhere. By His Grace, the most beautiful thing that happened is banishment of contraceptives, and ultimate accomplishment. After all, what would one do with one's arsenal after that of his opponent has exhausted? Along came absence of PMS, uterine irregularities and other common gynecological complications; a healthy organism does not complain. 

Don't know how would I be seen afterwards. What would my partner's response be? Also not sure what made me share this more; (to avoid) the attempts to extract it secretly, unbeknownst even to me, or the gross ignorance of the people in relevant authority I came across. Most probably, the strange turn that the river of life has taken, with it's roaring advancement towards our children, may have caused it. 

Not everything done by a man on a woman deserve to be called hetero. It's the divine union where nether zones interact, strictly, with each other only. Nothing else is allowed an access over there.

It's possible only under the Marital Dome as the partners, especially the woman, can dare be unarmed, off-guard, at her most vulnerable self, raw and receptive, only in marriage. Vulnerability is Strength; Normal is Best. In any case, one can not fake these virtues on oneself. 

Why should men care about that?    

Nature can never be deceived, and whenever it is shortchanged, it replies in its' own unique manner.


Friday 17 February 2017


Marital Dome is the only home to The Orgasm, in the absence of which, ones search for that beautiful, and only seemingly elusive, experience called conjugal bliss remains a futile wanderlust. One passes through his/her journey on mother earth wondering if it ever existed or if he/she was made for it.

If the concept of reincarnation is to be believed, (I do), no surprise we have today so many male desires caged in female bodies and vice versa. 

Is it so complex? Yes, it seemed so to me too initially. Is it easy? Yes too, as once accomplished, the biggest disappointment was, it being the simplest.

Organic, as the name suggests, includes only the nature friendly practices. Likewise, only an unadulterated (by consumption of intoxicants, drugs, alcohol, oral contraceptive and even modern day wonder drugs etc.) married hetero couple is capable of achieving it. It's possible in marriage only.

An intimate session is an organic one where the nether zones interact, strictly, with each other only and nothing else is allowed an access over there. And the outcome is an absolute accomplishment to both.

No gay has seen that as it wouldn't be easy for one to remain so after that. Mr. Sigmund Freud rightly says so

Commencement age for such adventures today to be approx. 12-14 years, could a boy that age be told/taught to discern his partners' requirement? Impossible; more being unethical than illegal. What if  some of such children grow up as adults averse to the whole idea ?; 
One out of disappointment and embarrassment caused by such inadvertently failed attempts and the other one being situated at the receiving end of such failed attempts, under no obligation to keep obliging despite one's own discomfiture. Seems weird? yes, it may, but only the Dome called Matrimony ensures that obligation to continue and later to the desired accomplishment.

PATRIARCHAL! I am ready to run the risk of being labelled one, till this post is complete.

Appears anti-feminist? Yes but it is not. Like all other greatly applauded historical concepts and strategies that were also 'executed as superbly', both in letter and in SPIRIT, the Bliss is bound to appear under the Marital Dome as an obedient, grateful companion, sooner or later. However, the spirit part in the marriage is loosing steam fast, resulting in our children groping in the dark today. We need to be with them as they need us.

What was envisaged by the Wise with the establishment of the Institution called marriage?

Slavery or subjugation of female folks was definitely not one. My wife once told me that the moment "Saptapadi" (Seven revolutions around the Holy Fire during a Hindu marriage ceremony) completes, something deep down the psychic of the girl(bride) is changed forever.

Something lies there to be pondered over. The very air of what could have resulted in an unpredictable bloodshed, is not only approved, but also proposed through the symbolic ritual of "Kanyadaan" by the powers that be of the clan. Kanyadaan is a ritual wherein the hand of the bride is literally placed in the hand of groom. Quite akin to the permission granted to groom by the Church authority that he could now kiss the bride. Both of them were not supposed to have touched a member of opposite sex in similar fashion so far. However, these rituals may, today, be mere that; rituals.

No eye-brow raising friends as no regression to our past is intended here. But we could try and see as to why such imprisonment of senses was desired to be maintained until and unless a person passes through the Marital Dome. A glance at the freedom allowed to undertake the otherwise most denounced and tabooed subject after the socially acceptable ceremony could be:-

Sex in marriage only, Wife to be submissive to her husband, A good wife must present herself, even before cleaning her hands of the dough, if her husband wishes so, Wife to be an equal partner in all of her husbands' holy deeds, getting an offspring sooner than later... List is endless and the quotes are almost similar in all the religious and social preaching on marriage.

Apparently, only apparently, all these instructions to be followed by a wife may seemingly cause subjugation, but was that the purpose? If it were so, the contradictory instructions would not exist, but they do. Seemingly, the subjugation part has been emphasised upon especially on conjugal aspects pertaining to women. Was a sense of persecution and exploitation active behind such mandates?

Does a sense of persecution, exploitation and even subjugation exist behind the deliberate and well researched effects and after effects caused by the Pink Pill, generally called Female Viagra? Or the marital mandate was a well thought about and considerate prescript to ensure fulfillment of mutual conjugal expectations/ requirements; only to be applied within the four-walls of bedroom and not at all outside of it. Did, unfortunately, the menfolk not only missed on, or deliberately ignored the required application of the prescript and worst, started applying the same in every other aspect of women's lives. Hence, the blunder. Wasn't the prescript targeted at weakening the otherwise invincible psychic conditioning buildup in the bride till she gets married and also not to over indulge even after that And, to be at ease; just be, during those moments. The women not to even expect pleasure. Did it help? YES. I know. If it doesn't, nothing will.

Man is not the owner of his wife and in fact a woman has certain rights upon her husband, Wife is an equal partner to the husband and she is to be respected and honoured equally. 

Those who have attended the Saptapadi, especially in a village set up, would be well aware of the blatant and explicit nature of folklore sung by the women of bride's family even till recently. The choicest of slangs, methods of love making, erotic imaginations on pre and post first night after marriage, attitudes and gestures of the women of groom's family and what not. A whole encyclopedia on Kama Shastra splashed through melodies during those 4-5 hours. Some naive youngs from the groom's side even took strong objections on hearing all that 'rubbish' but the elders consoled and controlled them telling, "All the songs sung in the marriage are not true," (Byah Ke Saare Geet Sache Nahi Hote). Ours was such a society that took it only as just another aspect of life and at the same time, warned against over indulgence in any field including marital life. We are forgetting it all fast.

Undoubtedly, marriage is one of the biggest devices ever conceived that separate humans from animals. 

