Saturday 26 July 2014


Mr. Verma came back from office in the evening and put his bag on the table. Mrs. Verma, who, after opening the door for him had gone into the kitchen, came back with a glass of water.

Have this and tea is also ready. Mr. Verma, picking the glass, glanced at a parcel put aside on the corner table and said, What is this ?

That is not ours but for our neighbours. Their house is locked so I received it and shall hand it over to Kamalkant when he comes back.

Strange are his ways ! They have been here for more than two years but their flat remains locked always. Isnt it sort of imprisonment for his wife ? Mr. Verma emptied the glass and continued... For all these days, have you ever seen their flat unlocked when Kamalkant is not home ? Is she insane ?

Never ! Let me bring the tea, replied Mrs. Verma and went to the kitchen. She came back with two cups of tea, took hers and asked Mr. Verma to take his saying, She is all right ! I have seen her often in the balcony doing cleaning and laundry. She sipped and continued.... but whenever I tried to break a conversation, she only gives a smile and moves inside. She is very personified !......would be around 30 or so.

They why does he keep her locked ? and what about those frequent screams at night and those beating sounds, weeping etc ?

What can I say ? We should not poke our nose in somebody's personal issues.

Yeah, you are right...... but its strange yaar...... too much ! Fearsome too. After all our entry gates are situated opposite each others'. Does she appear OK ?
Yess ! and now mind your own job, OK ? she became a little excited.
Right Right, Mr. Verma almost defended and put the empty cup on table.


Mrs. Verma picked her phone that was ringing out loud. She was alone at home. It was Vinita. As soon as she picked, a scream came to her, What yaar, you always keep sleeping...... just see around ...... What this huge crowd is about in front of you ? Dont know, she replied and moved towards the balcony. There indeed was a gathering of media persons with cameras and mikes. A large number of onlookers were also present.

Sensing she missed something important, she rushed towards the main door, telling Vinita along, let me see what is this...... I tell you, and she disconnected the phone before opening the door.

The moment she opened the door, a bunch of enthusiastic journalists stormed into her house and shelled her with questions...

Is he insane ?
Did he ever tried to molest you too ?
Is he contemptuous towards womenfolk ?

So many questions, cameras, mikes.... they pounded her in a way that she almost fainted.

Who...whom are you talking about ? she could reply.

Kamalkant, one of them said.

What did he do ?

He raped one of his colleagues in office.....

Oh My God.........she grasped and said....We dont know anything about them. We are not even on talking terms with them...... Meanwhile, she noticed that the gate of Kamalkant's flat was open.

Like having found some treasure, she gained a renewed energy and speared through the journalists covering her, to the open gate of Kamalkant's flat. Off course, she had to force her entry.

The house was totally filled with journalists with their open cameras and mikes forcing her to say something about her husband.

Mrs. Verma watched around, with an enquiring glance. The house was neat and clean. Nice decoration, sofa and bed covers. Beautiful vases filled with handmade artificial flowers. Walls decorated with beautiful handmade paintings. It couldnt be better. She is not insane, so exquisite.... she murmured to herself.

Radha, yes her name was Radha.

Someone saying, Radha ji, tell us.....did you know that he could do this ? What do you have to say on this news ? What are you feeling at this moment ? Has he been good to you ? For how long you are married ?....... train of questions and questions.

Suddenty, Radha raised hand and shouted......He is a thorough gentleman and has always been nice to me and I am sure, "HE CAN NOT DO THIS....IMPOSSIBLE,".

With this, she started pushing them all out, including Mrs. Verma, who stood awestruck midst the crowd. When Radha closed in on her, she couldnt stop her tears and softly told her, "Please leave, leave me alone...please,".

Mrs. Verma turned around, silent.

The media also left within an hour or more and normalcy returned except in minds of Mrs. Verma and off course, Radha.


Mrs. Verma was lying on the sofa, gazing at the fan on the ceiling when doorbell rang. She got up, composed herself and opened the door.

Standing there was a well dressed lady, around 35, average height, goggles and a diary in her hand.

May I come in Mrs. Verma ?

Yes please.

Neha, myself and this is my friend and colleague Suman. She introduced another lady who came along in.

Please have seat, I fetch you water, Mrs. Verma gestured them to the sofa and went in.

Neha followed her in the kitchen saying......actually we want to see Mrs. Kamalkant. What her name is ..? mmmm...yes Radha.

She must be at home, replied Mrs. Verma and turned with the tray.

Neha picked the glass and said, ...No, she is not at home, her house is locked.

What ! who can do this now, Mrs. Verma uttered in disbelief.

It is locked and what do you mean by NOW ? Neha asked.

No, her flat always remains locked, said Mrs. Verma and moved towards the door to confirm herself.

It was locked indeed.

She would be inside, she told Neha.

Neha smiled at Mrs. Verma and mean, she locked herself from outside after getting in ?

No...actually her husband gets the flat locked from outside while going to office and only he himself opens it in the evening when he comes back.

Impossible ! Neha stood up and continued.......he locks her in ? Always ? For how long they are here ? Is it their daily routine ?

Yes, Mrs. Verma replied and gestured her to be seated. They are here for more than two years after this flat was allotted to them. And he religiously locks the door before leaving for office, keeps keys with himself and the door is unlocked by him only in the evening, on his return. Screams, shouting and beatings also take place frequently.

Jaw-dropped, Neha stood up again. In utter disbelief, she uttered.....she is imprisoned ! in her own home. O My God ! Such a beast he is. Neha however composed herself and said, anyway Mrs. Verma, I run an NGO, saying this she flashed out her visiting card and said.....Please give me a call when she is back. O My God ! she murmured to herself....never before ! She appeared aghast.

Neha came out of the exit door alongwith Suman. They were to bid adieu when Mrs. Verma saw Radha coming upstairs. Lo....she has come !

Hearing this, Neha upturned and remained struck with the beauty, dignity, grace, gait and above all, peace and calm on the face of Radha. What not was there ? A complete beauty idol, clad in saree, just coming alive from an ancient Indian structure.

Excuse me ! Radha told them while Neha moved aside herself.

Radha ji, myself Neha, she gave her hand saying this.....and this is my friend Suman. I run an NGO working for women's rights and we want to talk to you........ About the sub-human conditions you are living in as well as the demon you are married to.

You have no right to say anything about us, what do you know about me or him ? spoke Radha angrily.

Sorry ! I know it hurts, Neha said in an attempt to pacify her.

Can we talk ?.....please !

Come in, Radha replied after a pregnant pause.

Needless to say, Mrs. Verma also followed suit, leaving her own door opened.

Water ?

No, we have had everything at Mrs. Verma's.

They all seated on sofa in drawing room. Maintenance of house impressed Neha too.

Yes, What can I do for you ?

Radha ji, dont you have children ?

The moment Neha completed, Radha broke into tears, inconsolably.

Its OK, Neha moved to her but Radha stopped her by raising her hand.

No, Radha replied.

Educated ? Neha asked.

Yes, Graduate in Psychology.

For how long you are married ?

Ten years.

Where have you been living before you shifted here ?

I was with my in-laws in his village.

Where are you coming from right now ?

I had gone to arrange for an advocate.

What ? Advocate ? for him ?

Yes, he is my husband.

Is he ? Are husbands like this ? Despite such imprisonment, cruelty, animal like behaviour, physical torture, you call him a husband ? I can see the signs of barbarity you have suffered so far. Neha indicated towards black marks on Radha's hands.

These are not by him, Radha replied without any attempt to cover those marks and gazed at Mrs. Verma who immediately looked down to the floor.

Dont tell me Radha can call me Radha only, Radha interrupted.

OK, Neha spoke, as if reassured.... you are just trying to cover up for him.

No I am not.

Then who did it to you ?

Neha was intrigued, as if a deep mystery was to unfold before her. Once more her mouth and eyes were wide open. Mrs. Verma as well as Suman were also in a similar condition.

Who ?

It was Raju, a childhood friend of him........last night. Suddenly, Radha looked at Neha in a jerk and said..... You work for women in help them.....would you help me too ?

Yes ! off course ! But you tell me who is this Raju and why did he do this to you ? How come ?

Last night, he came along him. They drank and then had dinner. My husband asked him to stay overnight.

And then......then.....he tried to force himself on me, Radha told Neha, seeing her into eyes, with a plain face and cold voice.

Then ? and where was your husband ? asked Neha, as if mechanically.

He was unconscious, perhaps Raju laced his drinks otherwise he would have killed him. I tried my best to escape and didnt let him succeed. During the scuffle, I found a vase and broke it on his head. He fell unconscious, bleeding.

Very good, sighed Neha, Suman and Mrs. Verma, simultaneously.

He died ? Your husband would be angry ?

No, Raju gained consciousness in the morning and left before Kamalkant awoke. The broken vase told him everything.

Didnt he ask anything ?

No !

I was celebrating today my freedom before this news broke to me.

How come, asked Neha, she was still in sort of trance.

Today, while him leaving for office, I brought lock and key to be put on door as usual. But he kept it aside, kissed me on forehead and left. Saying, bolt the door from inside, Radha said with a gleam on her face.

And what about those brutalities that took place so far, for more than two years ? Neha asked, however a little relieved was her tone.

I tell you the whole story. I am the youngest of seven sisters and no brother. My father is a small farmer with meager cultivation. I am the only one allowed to study in the family. We hardly manage food. Therefore, marriage of daughters was the biggest issue before my father. All my other sisters have been married to small time farmers, artisans or labourer but .... she paused.

What, what but ? Neha could not check herself.

As I topped the college, I became famous in the area. Kamalkant had seen me somewhere and our families were having good terms with each other. So, his mother came to my father and asked my hand for his son, who had been selected for a good job. We immediately agreed as the offer was irresistible.

After marriage ? Neha again interrupted.

Radha continued unperturbed, ...... He kept me in the village with his parents and came himself to the job in Metropolitan. Then, 29 months ago, he got allotted this flat and we shifted here.

Nobody visits you here ?

No, he doesnt allow.

Nobody visits, he keeps you locked here and keeps committing rapes outside. Do you know the lady he has committed the dirtiest crime upon ? She stands nowhere as compared to you ?

No, Radha said...... but he cannot do this.

Now again you are defending him, Neha's tone was a little harsh this time.

No, Radha said sternly......He can not.......He is incapable of doing this !

Whaaaat ! the trio almost shouted in unison. Mrs. Verma was shivering.

Radha looked at her and said, I fetch you water.

Me too ! both Neha and Suman enounced simultaneously while looking at each other. They were still shocked.

Radha went into the kitchen and brought a bottle. Neha stood up and took that from her saying, You could have gone back to your parents. He could have denyied marrying.

He is the only son to his parents and he is very good at heart and above all, he loves me too much, Radha said, so he could not tell his parents.

Hell with such love, huh ! Neha retorted.

Is this love ? Suman also came along whereas Mrs. Verma was only staring at Radha, incessantly.

And what about your feelings ? Neha said.

I know what you are talking about, NOW ! Radha insisted on 'NOW' and continued,

Neha, Suman and Mrs. Verma, you too, please tell me one thing........... you are all married ?

Yes, they uttered in unison.

Have you found the aspect, the absence of which you are mourning about ?

WHAT DO YOU MEAN ? and they saw each other into eyes with a questioning gaze.

Listen you all, though I have not gone through it myself, but I know everything, may be more than you altogether do know...... I am not in touch with my elder sisters only for last 2 years but, for eight initial years after my marriage, I used to meet them regularly. And we know each and every minute details about each other, only except about my husband.............their achievements as well as disappointments.

Nobody knows about it ? Neha asked.

Perhaps his mother is aware....Perhaps. It was she who insisted him to keep with him.

And what about those screams and shouting and beatings in the past ?, Mrs. Verma coined the question.

Its something different, I know he loves me too much. He internally blames himself for the suffering he thinks he has put me in. You can see, I have every cosmetic belonging which you may also be having. He often, asks me to put them on ........... on frequent intervals.

What for ? it was Suman.

Radha did not respond to her and continued, ............. Desire, his desire. He watches me after that for hours, doesnt allow me to prepare even dinner, at times. Then he becomes mad, mad on himself. He hits his head on walls in a sort of fit. Though I am unable to, yet I try to save him from hurting himself. He doesnt allow this too but I dont deter because he considers himself an accused of mine. He has never attacked on me.

But..... what about you ? You.....How......Neha tried to say something but couldnt.

I know what you want to say..Radha smiled.

Initially, the responsibility of maintaining the reputation of family and also knowing that a single wrong step may result in end of my academic career, that notorious hormonal rush could not sway me along.

And later, it has been the reputation of both the families as well as his caring nature.   And I have never regretted it. Its a barter that I accepted wholeheartedly. And to me, it not a bad deal, believe me.

But it is impossible ! Neha almost imploded.

It is possible, yet difficult it may be. Neha, its your dreams that chase you......haunt you......but I never dreamt of.... so, no haunting, no chasing.

I was never initiated. The fire was never stoked.

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