Friday 10 June 2016


Next morning, while having breakfast in the pantry, Radha asked Neha, "I think we are to go watch the movie today".

"What movie?" Neha asked with surprise.

"Didn't Leena tell last evening...? Radha reminded her.

"O, yeah! let's see what's she upto" Neha replied

"Make up your mind, haven't been to CP for long" Radha urged.

"Yeah, come it's gonna ring" Neha said and stood up.

Radha too followed her.

"Metro is such a pretty thing that has happened to Delhi" Radha uttered the doors closed past her.

Though, it wasn't peak hours, yet metro coach they entered was full of passengers.  Some travellers still didn't find space to sit. On next station, two girls left their seats which were immediately claimed by Radha and Neha. Leena still stood in front of them. 

A boy stood next Leena incessantly stared at Leena. The trio had however noticed it but preferred to ignore him. However, Leena felt uneasy for she noticed him staring at her.

"He is dialing wrong number, doesn't know she won't ever allow him to say hi" Radha whispered into Neha's ears. "She won't even kick his ass" Neha added and they both giggled out together.

Though Leena understood that it was related to her, yet she couldn't get what it was for. It also irritated her a bit further. As both Neha and Radha noticed her mood swing, Neha offered her to come on her seat but Leena denied that yet she once more stole a glance towards the boy on the pretext of tweaking her hair; he still continued stare like a maniac. Leena seemed to be at her wits end. 

She also checked her tank top and Capri to ensure something isn't wrong on that account. Everything was fine and in place. She managed her bun again and with that, she turned her neck behind once more and stole a glance. What the heck, he was still staring. "What an incorigible creature" she thought to herself.

Radha noticed it all while Neha was busy checking her phone. Leena was upset and was about to ask Radha to her sit when the announcement came, "Next station is Rajiv Chowk". Both Neha and Radha stood up and moved towards the door. There was a huge crowd waiting to enter the train at the platform. The boy too followed Leena, whereas Radha followed him with Neha behind her. 

"What's up?" Radha asked. "Hell" replied Leena, making face and mincing, her body taut and nostrils fuming as if Radha offended her.

"Something wrong?" Radha asked.

"Don't mess, just follow" Leena only replied.

The moment they came out of the station, Leena approached the ice-cream vendor and asked for one.

"You too?" she looked at the duo not before she had taken a bite of her own.

Radha looked at Neha who in turn only stared at Leena with a frown.

"Two more" Leena took the safe bet.

There were already around 20 persons, most of them their age, waiting outside the entrance of American Centre.

"Kissing Jessica Stein" Leena read aloud the name of movie.


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