Wednesday 6 August 2014

Barter-The life is-3

OK, we will talk later, she said with a smile and pounced upon Bansi.

Bansi lovingly caressed her and whispered just at her ear, .. I Love You !

Me too, and its Onnn since the sms....It was Radha.

Hmm....replied Bansi and followed instructions.

Be a little was Bansi

You know what I was thinking Radha ?


Children will be sleeping till late tomorrow....

Hmmmm......Behave Bansi.....or I will vituperate

Who cares.....that we have allowed each other but only while plugged.....isnt breeze sultry.....?

Nooo.... its you Bansi

Wait, wait......Bansi....please.....just hold yaar

Hmmm.......whats up ?

Nothing.....just not so soon yaar ! Its not even five minutes!

As you order Maam ! I am here just to serve the goddess

Dont befool me Bansi, you never give up your share

Oh maam, those are only residues consumed while serving the Chief Guest !

Yeah !

Stop ! ...... freeeeeeze!....yeah !

Radha giggled and said.......Whats up ?

Dont you know ? cheat.....dont mess with me....Oh right !......Just a little upwards ........ Ok ! Is it fine ?

Yeah !.... this new body spray of yours is fantastic Radha

Hmmm....Just got today.....

Fragrance is maddening.....

You dont need that .....Bansi

No.....really ! Its so nice !

Wait....wait....hold dear !......ah.....fine ..!

Radhaa ! ... You control so well....

Learnt from you !

Should I .......?

Hmmmmm.......this ! was Bansi

No....No...speak up...just speak up.....I know ... you cheat....once reached are difficult to handle ....speak up......or I leave ...... It was Radha. ease.....dear ! stay....stay ...!

I told you behave.....

Right maam....right....fine now ?


Shall I hold Radha ?

As you wish......

Once at least.......


Fine ....?

Yeah .....! but I cant.....hmmm...go on...


Yeaaaahhh ! finish up....

Thats not fair miser.....dont wanna pay up the labourer even his legitimate dues....why ?

Dont be silly.....what it was so far Banseee ?

I was on duty dear Radha.....Bansi said laughingly.

Dont tell me.....get over right now.....

Please.....a little more Radha

No ....... take it.....take it Bansi

Just wait...

No....I said take it....take it or ....

OK....right..right....but its dishonest Baby isnt it ?

What dishonest ? its been more than half an hour....wanna kill ? Its not my holiday tomorrow...and not even yours...take it....pleeeease yaar ! Radha almost pleaded.

Ok....fine now ?

get on...

Here it is.....what next

Now keep silence....or I ....

Its cruel of I have ever left you adrift ?

No...but I dont go upto the level of elimination too..... and you know I can do that if I decide so....

As per your wishes....pat replied Bansi.

Anything !.......otherwise...

Yes..yes...take it easy yaar ! Actually nothing much is left after you....

Despite that you dont wanna end up ? Dont goof up Bansi...if nothing remains then why do you stick up ?

heheheh.....Bansi smiled sheepishly...

And then....

stop....No....stop... No.....stop.....No.....justt stopp Radha.....Ohhhmm !

After a while........Now pack it Bansi

Bansi followed....

I often think....and even say must have worked at some grocery shop before

Why? I just learnt it after watching a grocer doing it Bansi said.

Bansi went to washroom and when he came back, he found Radha fast asleep, even snoring mildly.

Radha....O Radha.....

Gone....he murmured...what an irony .... people mourn for #afterplay but she doesnt care....great !

You leave no scope dear....Radha replied amidst sleep and started snoring again.


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