Thursday 7 August 2014

Barter-The life is-4


Need I drop you ....?.... it was Bansi.

Yeah ! ....and what are children doing ?

Watching TV.....Bansi replied.

You didnt tell me Bansi, what should I tell Neha ?

Nothing much just take account of her physical well being and see if she feels easy telling you all.

Radha, stopped midway her hand with spoonful of porridge and told Bansi with wide eyes...... Not at all uneasy does she fact she is the only person other than you whom I confide this much and I believe she too does so ! Actually it was during one such conversation when she opened her heart in front of me.

And you too .......!  haa, it was Bansi with a nasty smile.

OK then, talk to her about any previous major illness or injury or surgery, especially abdominal she might have undergone.....and also about her Gynecological status..........and mind you....when I mention Gynae OK, I mean just OK and not perfect ....Bansi was speaking while sipping coffee.

And tell me one thing, if she is not Gyanae OK or she has had major medical history, cant she be helped then ? Radha retorted.

No I didnt mean fact its possible even after #menopause but .........Bansi was interrupted by Radha who do you know that ? ......startlingly. just talk to her.....OK?.....Bansi got up saying this but paused for a while as if recalled something, ........yes, have similar information about Vipin too.    

He also said after a pregnant pause......Though I want to say one thing better refrain from all this.......dont play a Guru in this matter.

I am not at all interested to play some Guru etc. but her plight is not bearable......and who knows better than me............Even you took months before you started delivering ...... Remember ? told Radha with a smile and a wink too.

But Radha couldnt have happened without the patience and support you displayed during those days. Would she be able to do that ?

Why not ? Radha replied ........It was no big deal to me as I knew nothing on the subject and what I knew was only that you were my best friend and well still are......she got saying and opened her arms towards Bansi.

But she must be a decade younger than you are... Bansi came closer saying this and responded suitably......whispering in her ear.....We are a team Radha and its a team game, just like any other one where timing and understanding of partners can make or break the fate. Also dont forget telling her that she has to unlearn a lot more than she has to learn...OK, now get ready.....Bansi picked the keys saying this and moved out.......I am waiting.

TO BE CONTINUED............

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