Saturday 7 February 2015

Barter-the life is- 16 - #END OF PROSTITUTION

......"feel like what?"

"Sleep dear.....not too was just day before" she replied and turned around.


Vipin came out of washroom with the towel. ‘it’s quite late, hope you are not sleepy’ he asked.

‘It’s okay….. not that late; you tell me how was the party?’ she asked.

‘Nothing much…we will talk about that later….at the moment I am at something else’ saying this, he came closer and hugged her.

"Going commando?" she giggled. He didn't reply and took her to bed. ‘Speed thrills but also kills’ was echoing in his mind.

After initial, mandatory courtesy rituals, he 'placed' himself only after he was hinted to, more than once. He was conscious enough to ensure that he took more than double the time he used to take.

Neha was all support; Obedience personified. 

In fact, the whole communication between them was non-vocal; only the sounds of deep sighs and skins touching against each other, not more than rustles, were at play. The only rule-breakers were those frequent smooches. “Not to expect but accept” was echoing in her mind. On the other hand, “it’s a tight rope walk where one has to concentrate on the next step only” he kept reminding himself. But the question for him was, "What should the next move be?". 

He moved at a slow pace that seemed a little slower than required. Yet he decided not to rush things.

Then, he felt the steam built up, not sure where it surfaced first.

“Come on” it was Neha.

That was scary; it always happened this way. Though he was reluctant, yet he obeyed and gained momentum; also sensing the consequences within. The waves accumulated; he knew things were going to be out of bound, despite him wishing otherwise. Yet he tried to maintain himself. 

Just then, he found her being agitated. Another, longer “Yes”. He kept pace. “Is she....?” he tried to assess.

More squirming; he collaborated. One more coarse “Yes” and he threw himself; the nemesis appeared. She felt like pushing but just immediately, also realized the scenario and dramatically changed the tone of later part of the coming 'Yess'; ending it easy, followed by collapse.

Eyes met; she displayed to be alright. Yet, he didn't feel the same. However, he made himself appear lesser dejected and kept engaged.

To his surprise, he noticed that unlike before, he was still alive. He took charge. But the break in action had taken its toll; more due to her expecting it the least. Though, it was a pleasant surprise to her too, yet, before she could wonder about that, her senses found it better to reciprocate first.

Once again, the things charged up and naturally, he was in a better position to deliver; he put every other thought aside and took his own course. However, the outcome was all the same.

As no signs of exhaustion appeared, he didn't feel like moving away; the killing spree was now replaced by sweet nothings. Within moments, to his greater surprise, he found himself getting alive once more.

"Down, but not out" he reassured himself. "Wow! Coolidge Effect defied" He felt himself refreshed when he murmured that. It was something more than he could ask for at that moment. Without wasting time, he decided to make the most of it with a new vigour.

“That’s great” he was wondering while watching Neha whose eyes were closed, gasping only “Yeses” repeatedly. However, her ‘yes’ lasted longer than him. She sensed that and delivered an attempted gasp but that didn't work as he remained quiet, unmoved. After a while, he felt the urge to dislodge.

“How’s that?” he whispered to her.

“Better…much better” she wanna say but said instead "Best till date".

“You pinnacled ?” he asked, facing roof, his hands resting on his chest.

“Being honest, No….. but it indeed was great; don’t worry we will do it, I’m sure now” she chuckled and hugged him by turning towards him. He also cuddled her.

“I only annoy without concluding” he uttered while caressing her.

“Please, …. Now don’t, I am fine” Neha pacified him.

“But I’m not” saying that he gave her a peck on forehead.

Neha detached herself saying, “let me fetch milk; warm milk with crystallized sugar…it’s good” and she stood up.

“You’re talking like Bansi” he said unintentionally.

“Well, so what… he may be right” she replied with a smile. 

“You’re saying as if you know him” Vipin was a little attentive now as when he said this, he had come on his elbow, turned toward her.

“What if I really do?” she asked with her hands now folded against her breast.

“You really know?…. Don’t tell me” Viping said surprisingly, “O women it’s impossible to get you…ever” he thought.

“Never under-estimate a woman……especially the one who is in love” she replied as if she telepathically got what he thought and immediately turned around towards kitchen.

Soon, she was back with milk. But Vipin was now fully out of slumber and the moment he saw her, he asked “How do you know him?”

“Well, he is my best friend’s husband” she replied calmly. 

“Who?....Radha?.....come on, I can’t believe it” he said but the next moment he thought “I have to”. Neha was all smile, a wide one.

“Now don’t also tell me that he knows everything about us……..come on” he was impatient now as he took the glass from Neha and asked “tell me first”.

"Now I see...only therefore he was so extra courteous at the party" he thought. "But how come I don't recognize him?". 

“Just empty the glass” Neha raised her hand towards glass but Vipin pulled it further back “No tell me first…. That’s not fair…how could you?…”.

“Let me have this then I tell you….please” she said, putting the glass to her mouth.

Vipin also drank his and handed the emptied glass to her.

“See, it wasn’t sort of something planned or well thought about” Neha started telling him. “...Actually, the other day during lunch break, we were simply talking when the topic moved that way. I enquired simply and she told me everything in detail”. Neha put both the glasses aside. She moved closer and hold his hand and in a husky, apprehensive tone spoke “The way she confided in me, I couldn’t held myself and it came out” she said.

“What came out?” Vipin, all ears, asked as if she had betrayed on him.

“Do you remember the night and the day after when we came back from that function at Vaani’s” she asked him while holding his hands into hers. "Hey Govind it's only You now" she prayed silently as she was quite apprehensive of his response.

“I don’t recall something relevant” Vipin replied.

She breathed deep. “Not to you but it has been to me….the way you have started reacting since recently after every session...” she was treading with utmost precaution, still holding both his hands into hers, she told him in a trembling voice.

“What reacting….what are you talking about? I can’t get anything, just be clear” he was impatient now.

“You were getting very upset, everytime…annoyed….irritable…." Her eyes welled up yet, she continued "it ailed you, and peeves me too at the same time”, staring into his eyes. “the morning after I was upset only because you were….you even yelled at me”. 

It was not that Vipin didn't know what she was talking about. Things he did, though inadvertently, only out of frustration, immediately ran through his mind at the very first mention. Things, he didn't have control on. He couldn't say something, though he wanted to, and opened his arms. Neha also responded accordingly and they hugged each other, tight, still in their birth suits.



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