Thursday 19 March 2015


She took a deep sigh "Is something wrong with me?" Then her other self replied, "No... how could it be? After all, I used to......." Memories of her hostel room where she lived alone before getting married, flashed before her eyes, leaving a smile on her face. 

"I don't even know what Vipin and Bansi discussed tonight.....and this is not the right time to ask Vipin about that. But yes, one thing is for sure, it wasn't what Radhika told and she always talks about. What terminology she uses....." she tried to recall and succeeded too, "yes! it's stuffed versus satiated. Surely, I'm stuffed, sort of overdosed and not satiated..... No, not at all" she nodded with resolve. "Where did I cross the boundary from Satiation to Stuffed?" She tried to assess that but didn't succeeded this time. 

Suddenly, something else struck her, "And he has also swallowed that pill today!" the notion made her turn back in a jerk but immediately after, she realized that Vipin is still awake and he was smoking in balcony; so, she turned away, softly, as she didn't want him to notice that she was still awake. 

"With the pill, he bulldozed the limits and without that he remains much below the expected level. And also, pills couldn't be swallowed as a permanent solution for a whole lifetime." She was sort of confused while thinking it over. "There must be a median....yes! it must be there, and that's something..., perhaps, the thing, Radhika is trying to convey. Well....only she could tell more of it tomorrow; I better get the sleep, it must be quite late in the night".  With the notion, she tried to cool her mind off and sleep, at least she thought so.

In the balcony, Vipin was engulfed in his own storm "Is Bansi or for that matter, Radhika are any different than I or Neha?....Had any such thing been there, they might have mentioned.. or at least hinted; at least Neha should have been told, or may be she forgot and missed on that.....possibly". He nodded in affirmation as if something important was noticed.

Cigarette was finished, he hadn't removed it from his lips for even once and he realized that it was finished only after he tried a puff that didn't deliver. He blew the stub away and decided to go to bed. Near the bed, he made every possible effort not to let her feel anything.

Though, he'd joined Neha in bed, yet, he didn't feel like getting closer to her, he didn't either feel like sleepy. He was still under heavy clouds, roaring and thundering one after the another, "What did he actually mean by tight rope walk?". This tight rope walk puzzle was something that hit him again and again.

"What's wrong in getting directions if it's coming from someone competent, having worked and surmounted them" with this thought, he turned against Neha. "What if it doesn't work? .... But it has worked for them and it may work for me too" he reassured himself.

"Oh My God...." he was shocked to see the alarm at bedside, it was 4 AM. "I must get to sleep now" He murmured to himself.

Alarm was ringing....



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