Thursday 2 April 2015

Cost of Carrying a Uterus - 1


'Mom, see, today’s youngsters are much more stressed than those of your generation'. It was Radha, collecting her belongings before leaving for college, after spending the weekends with her family.

'My lovely Beta (Son/Daughter), stress is an inevitable byproduct of aspirations and what has always mattered is the maintenance of proportions between efforts and aspirations.  The one, who fails to keep that ratio in healthy proportions, suffers'. Her mother, Shree replied.
'How?' Chirped Radha.
'Interestingly, there is only one cosmic law that has always saved the day. Nurture the opposite!' Shree replied again while engaged in preparation of breakfast.
'Yes, the one troubling you can’t be diminished when it is dealt with directly. It shrinks itself to the minimum when its opposite is nurtured'. Shree continued
'To the minimum?' It was Radha.
'Yes, minimum. Nothing in the cosmos can be destroyed completely as neither we have created anything nor we could ever eliminate'. Shree told her daughter with a smile. 
'Strange are your logics mom. I am getting late. Do you have something to offer?' Radha was eager to leave.
'I offer  myself.... with this delicious Parantha'. Shree teased her a little and turned around with the platter. 
'Oh mom, no emotional atyachar (torture/cruelty) anymore, please'. Radha surrendered after watching this.
'OK, have your Parantha with Curd and Chutney. Take your phone along. But it has no money, please get it charged'. Shree further added.
'My sweet mom, Love You'. Radha took the platter from her mom and moved towards dining table. She even swallowed a big bite out of it till she reached at the table.

'Radha… !' It was Neha who exclaimed from a distance. She was Radha's classmate as well as hostel roommate.
'Ow Neha, you on this station ?' Radha was apparently surprised to see her in the Metro train. She opened her arms for an embrace.

'Well, it’s the same gang of girls', Giggled Neha.

'And where’s your car ?'. Radha asked while beckoning her to sit beside her.

'Moving along and above ……..hihihihi,.

'Whats the program today ?' Radha asked.
'I don’t set programs but programs set me'. Pat came the reply from Neha.
'O Nia, cant you ever get normal, leave aside being serious ?'  Radha responded in a friendly tease.
'I am normal, abnormally, giggles…………….'
'Incorrigible !' Radha surrendered.
'Yes, and don’t try hands'. Neha concluded.

Radha and Neha are studying in same stream in University and were coming back from their respective homes after weekends. Today was Presentation Day in the college. In metro train itself, they compared notes. 
'Wow ! Yaar you have prepared so well, now see mine'. said Neha. 
'Yours is also excellent yaar …… huge !' said Radha. 

'The bigger is better'. Neha winked. 

'Tell me one thing Neha, why have you taken room in hostel ? You hardly stay over there'. 

'Just for your company dear'. Neha replied.
'But you don’t seem to get it anyway'. It was Radha.
'Why not yaar, whenever I am in campus I am with you only. But why have you asked it Radha?'

'Actually that Liniya told me that she wants to join me as partner'. Radha told her.

'What did you tell her then ?' Neha was sort of surprised.

'I simply denied,.... obviously !'. Radha told her.

'Listen Radha, I am not gonna go anywhere, first …. and second, don’t you know about her?'

'Yes I do and so about you also. She would spoil you Neha'. Radha spoke with concern in her voice. 'Have you been able to ? Then how could she ?' Neha retorted.

'Aye, we are not alike, and don’t dare put us in the same stride, or else……' Radha told her in an agitated manner and looked away.
'O dear, I am not putting you, be sure..... in fact what I believe is that you have your own stride and style, that is unique in itself'. Neha tried to pacify her.
'But are you both not equally adventurous?'  Radha further asked.
'She may know about herself but I am not adventurous; I am an experimental soul, a seeker of life; anyway let go of it, get up, we have reached'.
"Is it any different?" Radha could hardly complete before Neha dragged her out of the train.

The campus, a township of sort. What it doesn’t have ? Umpteen blocks scattered along neat black roads and inroads lying in crescents with lush green surrounding, huge trees, rightly placed sculptures and neatly placed white concrete benches at the right spots sending an irresistible invitation to have a halt and enjoy them. As the area was huge, there were battery operated trolleys to ferry students and staff within. Radha and Neha never preferred to have trolley. They both loved walking. Often, in spare time, they both would walk around for hours contemplating over serious global issues such as gender equation, environment, status of education in the Country and also on quality of hostel  meal, apparels of their professors, new models of Apple and Samsung besides possible shades and uses of nail paints, orbit, mint-os and so on.

At the entrance to school block, were standing Samar, Leena (Liniya), Ruby, Jatin, Madhu and a few others. They all greeted the pair alike. "Here comes the twin… You both must get married to the twins", said Jatin, "otherwise your souls wouldn’t be at peace….". Guffawed, they all, including Neha and Radha. Though nothing much took place as the class was about to start.

After the class, they all took their ways to canteen or library or to the lawns in front of school block. Radha and Neha appeared in the last, as usual. As they moved to hostel block, Jatin remarked …. "You both shouldn’t have got separated surgically, if you have to stay stuck together all the time". 

"We were borne to different parents…" retorted Neha through, with a smile. "Come on yaar, let them tweet…" said Radha and caught hold of Neha’s arm while replying to Jatin. "We are going to get attached soon Jatin, surgically". They all laughed together while Radha and Neha moved on.

Room 202, Gargi Hostel block. "Yaar there should be a lift in the block. 4th floor is quite high". Radha said to Neha. "Well, its not that much dear and its good for health also" Neha replied. 

"Hell with your health yaar, knees get cracked getting here" Radha said while unlocking the door. "Thank God yaar I forgot keys at home" Neha said. "Why didn’t you tell before ?". It was Radha. "I afraid you would get angry". "Why yaar, last time I forgot the keys, did you get angry then?". "Its me mister, you don’t have such patience". "Its ok yaar. Lets see if we have something to eat here". 

"Don’t worry Neha, my mom has sent Til (Sesame seeds) ke Laddoo for you specially". Radha told her with a smile. "O great yaar, give me some soon". Neha almost snatched the packet from Radha. 

"Yrr mom is a great cook". Neha said while swallowing two together. "You would die of choking, stupid.....Yes she is best at everything. She kept working till late at night preparing these. She likes you very much and always keeps asking about you and you only". Radha spoke.
"You know what Radha ? I often think that we were together in our previous birth, may be previous to them also". "Owww, Many Lives Many Masters….. influence has not gone yet…." Radha commented.
"No yaar that’s a nice book. You know what ? I think you mom was our mom. When I saw her first…. Something happened. She seemed mine…. Familiar ….. grace personalized …… I lost in her eyes". 
"Ok now shut up and come to the point" said Radha. 
"No.. first you tell me …. Is it possible?" 

"Anything is possible my dear just anything… and now you seem to claim possession on my parents also". Radha pulled her cheeks, filled with laddoos.
"No yaar, and yes, your dad also seemed the same to me. He is so nice. Have you brought any of his books this time also?" Neha asked eagerly.
"Yes, but I won’t hand it to you today or you will be lost for the day… and night also". Radha smiled while saying. They both settled on the same bed.

The room was neither very spacious nor could it be called small. It easily accommodated two single beds, two study tables, one refrigerator and two steel cupboards besides other usual belongings of them both. Bathrooms and toilet were attached. A door opposite to the entrance opened to a large balcony viewing huge campus, full of tall green trees and large plush lawns. The lawns were surrounded by small fences having seasonal flower beds along them. In the evenings, it was a site to behold.

"I always love to be in the balcony", Radha said. Yes, it’s beautiful around…such colourful, fragrant and lovely scenery". Neha complemented.

"Neha, is everything fine at home ? Has your dad improved ?". 
"No yaar, he can’t quit drinking". Neha seemed disappointed.
"But he is a nice man…. When I saw him last time, he looked hearty". Radha put her hand on Neha's shoulder. 
"No yaar, his liver is sinking. Then he is not prepared to quit on alcohol. We have tried our best yaar, nothing works. However, he takes it lesser now". 
"Neha why don’t you fix a meeting of our dads ?". Radha asked.
"I have told my mom, she said she would try to persuade him". Neha replied.
"Neha, don’t tell him that it’s for some sort of de-addiction session, just a normal meeting and that’s it. They would be friends soon. Your dad also loves literature, as you have told me and stop your mom of constant taunting for alcoholism…… things don’t improve this way". Radha spoke.
"Yes Radha, I have told her all and hope they would be meeting soon". Neha told Radha.

Neha moved to her bed and started emptying her bag to place the articles in almirah, she didn't seem interested in conversation anymore; perhaps the topic disturbed her. 

"Got upset ?" Radha asked as she sensed Neha's state of mind. 
"Nay yaar, but it hurts when your dad is not well and is far away too". Neha replied in a sad tone. 
"Hmm I understand. Ok, wasn’t  the class boring today ?" Radha tried to change the air. 
"They are always like this, especially after vacations". Neha replied, without looking at Radha.
"Yeah you are right. What are you upto now ?" Radha asked. 
"Nothing my dear Radha I will just go out". Neha replied.
"Out ! with whom that mm.." before Radha could finish, Neha interrupted "…no yaar". "Then ?" "There is someone special this time" Neha told her, smiling. 
"I have seen all your so many someone specials and then you come back nagging ‘They are all alike, bastards’. Radha completed with a grin. 
"No yaar, I met him at a family function". Neha told. "A cousinnnn ?" Radha said surprisingly.
"No yaar, a friend of a cousin". Neha clarified.
"Cant help you, and listen I am not gonna get up late at night" Radha warned her. 
"Nay yaar, I will be back in time; my Warded and local guardian" said Neha with a giggle and continued,. "Let me get ready now" while bringing out a new dress. "Wowww !" Radha exclaimed it's fantastic. "Nice dress yaar ! He gifted ?" Radha asked.
"Don’t be silly Radha, you know I don’t accept gifts from strangers". "Yes, but you can go on a date with them… stupid" Radha retorted.

Neha’s mobile rang. "Its him ! bye. Are you not coming to see him?" she asked rushing towards the exit. "No, I will see the final one only". Radha had hardly finished when door closed with a bang.

After Neha left, Radha went to canteen, had meal, took a stroll in the campus and came back to the room. She dusted her table and bed, then she looked at the table of Neha, it also required attention; she also dusted and organized it. 
Then  she started on the project. Right at 10, the door was knocked. "It must be her. I will kill her today". she thought and moved towards the door. But standing there was Roma, occupant of the room adjacent to theirs. "Hi ! How was the vacation ?" she asked. "Ow it was fine. Come in". Radha was quite formal. Roma also got that "No actually I need coffee warmer". "Ok wait", Radha went in and fetched her coffee warmer. "Thanks, studying ?....where is Neha ?" Roma asked.
"She has gone for a stroll". Radha replied. "Ok, thanks" Roma just turned and found Neha standing behind. "Oww, walk is over ? nice dress" she commented. "Yes", said Neha and entered. "Bye you both" she said and moved on. "Bye" both Neha and Radha replied simultaneously.

"Not late?" Neha tested waters. "Not much" Radha replied. 

"Don’t you wanna know ?" Neha asked. "I know …. They are all alike….They are all alike" spoke Neha simultaneously, "but not bastard, Ok ?" Neha cleared. 

"Then let me know … but in brief… right ?" Radha was interested as she expected something interesting, however, at the same time, she was also worried about the project. "Ok" said Neha and started, "We went to Nirula’s then the mall; he also wished to watch movie but I denied". "Thank you" Radha spoke. 
"Then, Oh… we travelled a lot". "Ok, then ?" Radha asked, she was eager. "Then what ? They are all alike, bastards…". Neha concluded and they both burst into laughter, cuddling each other. "You are so stupid" Radha said.

"Now tell me one thing Neha" Radha asked with a concern in her voice that Neha also noticed. 

"Yes I am waiting", Neha said. 

"What that rubbish is in your bag ?" Radha asked.
"I knew and waiting for the questioning Radha". 

Neha stood up, took Radha from shoulders and led her to the study table. After getting her seated, she stepped back and said, "as they all are alike…. I have decided to try hands on something different". 

"Where from you got it ?" Radha was still perplexed. 

"O dear, is there any dearth in the world. That’s not the issue. I assure you don’t have to worry". Neha replied.

"I am not and I will never be but it shouldn’t come before my eyes again, Okay ?" Radha spoke in an authoritative tone.

"Right mam. Now I am sleepy, please". Lights were switched off and they both took to their beds.

Radha whispered, "Neha where have you got the idea for that ?" 

Then something struck her, "yes! Liniya … yes that bxxxh. Offcourse ! it’s her". 

We are together here for two years dear and you don’t hide anything, just anything from me. Then what was ….." 

"Listen……" Neha interrupted her. "I knew about it even before we came here. See it’s my life yaar and I have complete authority to explore all its colours and shades".

"But what if you turn just like her?" Radha asked.

"Well...that would also be seen. Listen Radha, from you I have learnt to believe in the Almighty or your Bihari Ji as you call Him. I have firm belief in Him now and also that if it all were actually required, he would have arranged for it naturally Himself". 

"Then? …" Radha was more puzzled now. 

"Nothing yaar just to see why the whole world is mad behind it, this way. There must be something after all. OK good night". Having said this, Neha turned around on her bed.

Next morning

"Radha…. Radha! get up. I already have sucked my coffee. Your jug and honey are ready". It was Neha.

"What’s the time ?" Radha asked getting up.

"It's almost 7". 

"Ok". Radha threw aside the cover and sprang up. 

"Hare Kisna. Hare Krishna stupid Radha scolded Neha with a smile. 

"No I like to call Him Kisna. My Kisna…." Chuckled Neha. 

"Ok, with you and your Kisssna", with extra emphasis on s, said Radha. She stood up, took the jug and then sat squatted. After that she emptied it in one go. 

Neha, who was watching her, asked "Yaar Radha, how come you drink this much amount of water ?".

"I am in practice". Radha replied.

"But yaar, even almost two years after I learnt it from you, I can't get this much. I am hardly at two glasses. After that I feel like vomiting it all back". Neha told her.

"Then do it and drink again, it's easy" said Radha. 

"Nay !" Neha replied with a distorted face.

20 minutes later, they were in the balcony with their mattresses. "You know Radha, I used to wonder why and how do people bend their bodies to this extent. But courtesy Mrs. Radhaaaa, now I also can bend like a spring...Thank you". Neha said.

"Just Shut up, don’t waste time, carry on or leave…."said Radha while in Ushtrasana pose itself. 

"Okay mam. I follow you" Neha replied and follow suit.

"Even after so long, I am unable to make it more than five" Neha spoke while doing Surya Namaskar.

"You couldn't have even positioned yourself in the beginning" Radha told her "Remember your stiff back?".

"Yes, but even after so long" Neha said again.

"Don't count days in life but life in days; be regular and you would be able to do as much as you may wish to. Radha told her, "by the way, we are not preparing for a wrestling competition..... now just keep quiet, please". she added.

After the exercise session that lasted around an hour, they collected their mattresses and put them at their place before heading to bathroom after a while. Soon, they were ready to leave for the hostel kitchen before joining the class. 

"Neha, lock the door properly and come down". Radha instructed.

"Just wait yaar, we will go together. Just a minute, I come".

They staired down and had their breakfast. After that they moved towards school building.

"Is your father completely fit ?" asked Neha, moving along Radha towards school block which was around 500 yards away from Gargi hostel. 

"Nobody is completely fit. Everybody has their own troubles to be taken care of". Radha replied.

"What ails him ?" Neha asked.

"Nothing yaar" Radha replied. 

"Then what ?" Neha repeated.

"Then hell, stupid, one doesn’t have to exercise only to keep diseases away. Yoga is way of life to keep calm, stay away from evils, both the acts as well as intentions. Yoga is more a worship, the prayer on move to keep you connected with Him and the life force he has given to us all". 

"Okaay", sighed Neha. "He must be good at everything" she added.

"What do you mean by Everything ?" Radha stared at her. 

"Nothing, nothing just move on, class is about to start" Neha concluded.

After the class, Neha saw Leena and waved her. She came to them said, Hello Radha, Hi Neha. How is the pair ? You only see pairs, Radha said. Its Ok yaar. You both are always together like pair….so. Anyway, Neha I need to talk to you, would you mind Radha. I don’t care, said Radha and moved to the group engaged in chit-chat on another side of the door. 

Whats up, Leena ? looking great !
I am always like this, you tell me. Nothing yaar these projects and …… and Radha, interrupted Leena. No yaar, Radha is great, she understands me more than anybody else. It seems she is my guardian angel. That she definitely is, Leena said.

Leena I want to talk to you.
Yes, come on.
How….mmm….what do you people do ?
We just have lots of fun…. Fun unlimited ! You wanna try ? Come on ! I have a crush on you since day one.
Don’t be silly Leena.
Then what ? You wanna have a look ? don’t you ?
No dear, said Neha.
No, you do.
Leena came closer and whispered, see, tomorrow is project day so we are for a party the day after.  You are invited.
Who else would be there ? Neha asked.
Just you, me and one of my friends.
Girl ?
Off course, chuckled Leena.
See, Radha is staring us, you better leave now.
OK, bye see you.

Neha came to Radha who seemed a little upset. Neha asked, what's up dear ? Nothing, said Radha. You were extra ordinarily friendly with her, is everything ok ?
Off course ok dear. Smelling the rat ? said Neha.
No, smelling the cat, a preying cat and you know I am right.
What are you upto ? Radha asked. Are you upto……
Just get to the room first, Neha interrupted.

Owe, the class kills, Neha moaned. Yaar just bring you favourite Neembu Paani. I am exhausted. Radha prepared two glasses of lemonade and gave one to Neha saying, now tell me, what is cooking up ? You should have been a detective Radha. You are so intuitive. Over ? now open up, said Radha. Neha started, listen Radha, I was… no I wanna know……no, I am just curious about her.
What curious, you already know everything.
I only know Radha but know I think about…..seeing or…… No, interrupted Radha, you wanna undergo, experiment, am I right ? said Radha.
O Radha, I am your fan for this, you come to know beforehand what I am thinking about. You know much more about me than myself. Then please tell me the outcome too.

Radha came a little closer and said in a cool tone, listen Neha, I know only what you know. I don’t know why but I relate so well with you than anybody else except my dad.
Neha jumped up on her feet and said, ok, so you are experiencing all the fun through me … am I right ? and also, you should be experiencing this aspect too, through Neha ?

"Here you are in wrong Neha, though it is true that I come to know everything you undergo but I never have wanted you to do that for the my sake. You must keep it in mind always that before each and every adventure of yours, I have asked you against that and have tried my best to stop you. But it was only you yourself who went ahead. You cannot blame me for anything. Moreover, it is the way you describe the happenings more than my understanding it, which helps". Radha appeared a bit agitated and finished it all in a single breath.

"Listen Radha, I am not going to blame you ever for anything. I often want to call you a sister but always feel that best friend is the only justified term for our relation. I personally believe that a true friend is much more better than any other relation..". 

Neha paused for a while and started "….. see Radha, I have not decided anything yet, but as you know from my previous experiences or the adventures, the way call them, I am upset. After all, it is my life and only I will decide how to live on my terms. Any objection so far ? No, said Radha and continued .. that does not mean that you would be trying hands on everything coming your way, what if you would not have met Leena ? Then I would have waited a little more because I am aware of the phenomenon, said Neha. But that’s wrong Neha…. Wrong. Listen Radha, believe me, I also think it is wrong. Then why do you wanna do it ? Radha almost pleaded.
I just want to see what this hoopla is behind all this. Radha came forward and caught Neha from shoulders, what if you couldn’t come out ?
NO WRONG CAN TRAP OR ATTRACT ME RADHA, said Neha in a very cold voice, you know what I am.
But I can’t approve this move of yours. Said Radha.
Ok yaar, I have not even decided finally yet. Come on, let’s think about our studies.
They went to their study tables where Radha opened her laptop and Neha picked a book.  Then suddenly, Radha uttered, Its horrible ! What horrible ? just come  out of it Radha, Neha looked at and said. Nothing, said Radha and continued with her laptop.

Murli and Shree

It was around 11 PM when Shree had gone to bed and Murli switched the light on. Have come ? she said. Yes, Murli replied. Why don’t you go in the morning ? I will, he said. How was the day ? he asked. As usual, she replied. Where is Krishna ? He is in his room. He harasses me so much, sometimes it becomes cruel, she lamented. Yes dear, I will take his class in the morning.
You took longer today, what is the reason. Nothing yaar, I met Akash halfway, he said. Must be inebriated ? she asked. Yes, as he almost always is. What did he say? she asked. Nothing, just about the business. But he didn’t allow me for the walk and consumed all the time. Its okay, she said. His wife had also visited us today in the noon. What for? he asked. Just like that, she just got freed soon today.
Hmmm…… then you must have a long chit chat session today, he asked and came on the bed.
Yes, she remained for quite long but she was upset.
Why ?
What else, Akash has started drinking regularly and in huge quantity. Often he is unable to reach home, she said.
Its serious, but it is she who is responsible for this all, she never discouraged him …….. as you told me ….. after all she is your friend.
Taunting ? she retorted.
No dear, Don’t you remember once he gave me that concoction ?
Yes…. She laughed and said… its night and a voice goes longer.
I know, he said. And what happened afterward ?
What was to happen, you almost killed me, she said.
No…. you kicked me, they both laughed again together.
Being serious, Murli said… but its wrong dear, it is not the way.
Yes, even today she said, “its okay once a week or so, not daily,”. She always says that he goes for hours with that concoction but is nothing without that and only disappoints, she said laughingly.
It is worth consideration dear, and not something to be laughed at. Most of the people are ignorant about such an important aspect of life. 
But women cant be blamed for this state of affairs, Shree said.
Off course not, womenfolk have nothing to do with that. They are only facilitators. It is the men, who must know their job, Murli said in a sad tone.
Murli took to her side and said, do you remember what Meenu once told you ?
Yes, said Shree…. She also used to say that there is nothing wrong in consuming wine in small quantity once in a while.
And now Ajay has also turned into an alcoholic, Murli murmured.
Yes Murli, she also always favoured drinking now and then, why do they do so ?
Nothing yaar, in an state of inebriation, they only last a little longer….. nothing else is there. And despite that, they don’t get that divine outcome, which, otherwise is very subtle, simple and sacred too. You are lucky Shree, because when a man fails on this front, he cannot face his spouse and always suffers from an inferiority, Murli exclaimed.
Don’t be proudy, Murli, don’t I stand anywhere ? Shree interrupted.
Off course you do…… dear, but what could you have done if I were not aware of that phenomenon ? tell me, said Murli.
Murli continued…..earlier, women did not know anything about that but it is not so today. They have everything now, they earn well, have an independent life and above all, they know what they deserve…….they are aware of their sexuality. They are not in for marriage for the sake of it anymore. And its going to play havoc.
What havoc ? Shree asked astonishingly.
Weird sexual preferences, Most of the women now are not ready to submit to the slavery in the name of marriage. The institution called marriage is challenged today because what they expect from marriage is not there, often.
Whats that ?
That big O, the female O !
Don’t tell me, retorted Shree.
11-07-2014 Vinang
I am sure Bhago, today everything is available on internet. Everybody is searching for that …. that elusive entity, from high intellects to the common man, they all know that it exists but are unable to reach it. I have read myself the articles in magazines and newspapers etc. Didn’t I tell you about the article in Times that said women have two Os.
Shree said immediately, that’s true. Its indeed two. One is from somewhere deep within and other is a little shallower. But that is not possible every time, is it ?
No, but constant practice increases the frequency remarkably. Am I right ? asked Murli. Yes, and the both get mixed into each other during the course of time, answered she, with a smile…..but their separate identities remain intact.
But why do men drink so much and so frequently ? she said.
It is really difficult to put a limit on an addiction, it is there either to drown the subject into it or it can be thwarted away fully. To attain a status somewhere in between is almost impossible. And above all, even that doesn’t serve the purpose. You know what I mean ? Murli smiled.
Yes, she uttered. But yaar…….
Murli continued, in fact in such a case, it is not two souls housed in human bodies witnessing the making of love but the alcohol or the other addiction that is doing the job. The man inebriated does not feel or experience anything, the whole process turns out to be totally mechanical, without any feelings and no meeting of divine energies reciprocating and responding to each other, fulfilling the circle of existence or energy or the Yin and Yan as the Chinese say, takes place. The numbness caused by the inebriation doesn't allow the couple to be fully there in the act, as if a third party mediating the whole process.
Earlier, once entered into the fortress called marriage, the women could not be aware of anything else beyond. They had to be content with whatever was available and also the religious preachings worked as extinguisher to the flames of passion. Now, due to education, freedom, opportunities and self dependence, they think freely and know what they deserve. More importantly, they now know that most of the times it's not a shortcoming on their part.
And fairly too, added Shree and said, is there anything wrong with feminism ?
Yes fairly too. And nothing wrong with feminism, he continued, now they have the chance and freedom to judge and even compare men as by all other means they are not only equal but even better than them. As a large number of them, if not most of them, come to interact with men long before marriage, they come to realize much more than ever. On the other hand, poor men don’t have any recourse to look up to and they have to do everything on their own. The peers are as much ignorant and the elders don’t want to talk on the topic, perhaps, they don't even have much useful to share. They are in a great mess and are ready to do anything from drugs to medicines to other things.
Murli looked at Shree and said, remember you told me about Jeevan, your nephew, who has a medicine shop.
Yess ! sighed Shree, such a nice chap he used to be, he now takes injections of some medicine and do you know Murli, he doesn't allow his wife to talk to or even see any man, even his own father. He has almost imprisoned his wife and has become very cruel to her. You know what Murli ? He does not allow even small boys to see her face.
It’s the same problem dear, being in medicine field, initially he might have used certain drugs to go longer with it but soon he became used to it and then he might have increased the doses without consulting from someone competent and the vicious cycle began. Now, perhaps, he is unable despite having heavy doses of those drugs or injections, as you say.
How would we tell our children Murli ?
Radha is in hostel too and her room mate Neha is very uninhibited, bold and smart. What if she gets into something troublesome ? Shree got excited at once and asked Murli, in a loud voice, say something!.
Murli said, it will be very difficult yaar. I can talk to Krishna anyhow but to Radha, it is really difficult.
But we have to, Shree insisted. You have to do that. Murli said looking at her, No ! I cant do that, Shree almost declared and continued, how would you tell Krishna ? Will you ?
Yes, I have to and it is easier than talking to Radha about this issue.
But Murli, it is our duty dear. We have to !
Let us see what happens, Govind shall do everything well. Hare Krishna ! said Murli and turned over.

Radha and Neha
It was after dinner at their room when Neha came out of the bathroom. Radha asked her, Are you going somewhere ? Yes, replied Neha. Where ?
With a friend. Friend or that Liniya ? Radha retorted.
OK, Neha sat on the bed and said to Radha with a smile. I am going to her tonight and I will stay there overnight. Any problem ?
Who I am to have any problem ?
Come on yaar, we have talked it over. I promise I wont do something objectionable.
Then why are you going in the first place ? Radha replied.
With a deep sigh, Neha said, look Radha the life is to enjoy, it is the colours of life.
Colour or discolouration ?
I don’t know, even I am not sure yet but I will go at any cost.
Its your life Neha, but you know how much your parents trust on us both. They believe that apples of their eyes are doing their job rightfully.
Yes I know, but I am going today.
OK, then promise one thing. Promise ! What? Promise that you wont allow anything to be done to you. Only then I will let you go.
Okay, said Neha and smiled with a wink towards Radha.
Radha sighed….. OK bye. Thanks Radha, said Neha and slammed the door behind.

Next morning, 7 AM, when Neha came back Radha asked her, how was the adventure Neha ?
Well, as I promised, I didn’t allow anything done, except touches.
What ? exclaimed Radha.
Neha stormed towards bathroom saying, let us get ready for the class we will talk it over later.
OK, your milk is ready there over the table. Get ready soon.
I will be right back, said Neha and entered the washroom.
They both soon left for the class. After the class, they both came out and moved towards fountain square. Leena was already there, alone, as if waiting for Neha. She welcomed them both with a mischievous smile playing on her lips.
Hi Neha, how are you ?
I am fine, Neha could hardly reply before Radha pulled her aside and whispered, come with me Neha.
Neha bid adieu to Leena and moved along Radha towards their room. At the room, Radha almost dragged her in and said, You were with her whole night and even now you were going to her.
Take it easy Radha, we just greeted each other. Did you not notice that during the whole day she was trying to talk to me but didn’t allow us a single minute.
And you feel at loss for that Neha. If it is so, you are free to shift, Radha angered.
Take it easy my silly Radha, I cant even think about that…. In fact I can get everything in this world but such a sweet best friend like you. Come here, I tell you what you have been dying for all this while.
No ! Radha said sternly, stay away and say whatever you have to.
No, you have to come and sit beside me Radha.
But Neha you are not reliable anymore.
Hey ! that Leena has not baptized me into cannibalism overnight, do you think so ? Just come to me my soul friend, my guardian angel, please come. Neha caught hold Radha from shoulders and made her sit on her bed. Then she sat in front of Radha.
Listen Radha I don’t think we need to go into details. The crust is that I have kept my promise that I made to you before leaving and second……..mmm……she paused and Radha said irritatingly, now come on…what that second is ?
The experience was great! Neha shouted and jumped from the bed. Before, Radha could say or do something, she entered into the washroom. The shower started while Neha shouted, give me the towel please.
You seem to be going tonight too, am I right ? Radha asked Neha while strolling back to their room after dinner.
Well…..Yes….and no more questions please.
Go to hell,  said Radha and looked away. Silence prevailed till they reached at the room where Neha changed and moved towards the door when Radha spoke to her,
Neha, I am scared.
You need not till I am alive, replied Neha and slammed the door behind.

Shree and Murli

Murli came home in the evening and called Shree, Just bring the towel and underwear. Listening his voice, Krishna came out of his room and moved towards Murli saying, Papa, got him cremated ? Murli swayed him to keep at a distance saying, I talk to you later, let me have a bath and change first as I am coming from the cremation ground itself. Ok, Krishna replied and got engaged with his phone.
You took so long …….there would be a large gathering ? Shree asked Murli when he came in the room, wrapped in a towel. Yes, he replied. After all he was a young man and a very popular one among his friends, colleagues and in locality as well.
Did you go to his house too ? What had happened actually, he was a lovely chap of hardly 30.
Yes I did go there, his mother is also not well and her condition is also critical. All his sisters are also mourning, told Murli.
And his father ? Shree asked.
I tell you everything in detail but get me a cup of tea first, please.
No, tell me first, Shree insisted.
Right, come to the kitchen, I tell you there while tea gets ready, come….I am very tired yaar. I have not had anything since morning. It took very long in Post Mortem and then other legal formalities.
Shree repeated, now tell me what had actually happened ? while preparing for tea.
Murli started telling, You know, Sunny was an alcoholic and it was the main reason behind domestic strife in their household. Last night too, he came home drunk and his wife objected to it. She reprimanded him for that.
But it was not a big deal in their family, Shree interrupted….. one cannot be welcomed and praised for being alcoholic. Such quarrels usually took place between him and his wife even in the past, what was so acute this time ?
Tea was ready and they both came in the drawing room with it.
Murli continued, Actually, while all the quarrel and verbal heating, his wife called him impotent, in front of his parents and some neighbours.
Oh My God ! Shree got up saying this.
Murli signaled her to sit down. As she sat, he continued…. She called him so, twice and he became furious both out of anger as well as embarrassment. As he was also highly inebriated, he became mad and pounced upon his wife but his cousins and his father caught him before he could reach her. They decided to lock him in a room. Unfortunately, the room was under renovation and when two of his cousins pushed him inside the room, he caught an open electric wire that was live. And that proved fatal.
Hare Krishna ! Shree spoke in tears.
And see…said Murli…his uncle was saying that how could a man who produced two sons, be called impotent?........Disgusting !
May his soul rest in peace! Shree said …..It may be out of place at this moment but I must tell you that on their last visit to our house, his wife also told me that some amount of wine once in a while is not bad but it proves to be fun. When I asked how?, she said Bhaiyaa doesn’t drink otherwise I would not have asked this question from her, Shree said sarcastically.
Murli said, You should have told her …….but Shree interrupted him and said, They are ignorant Murli, you told me this, they are pitiable. They are ill informed and there is nobody to tell them what is right and what is not.
But Shree, I am really very sad on demise of Sunny. He was gem of a person, so helpful, cheerful, smart, what not. O Govind, why do you do this? Murli spoke sadly.
Murli….., suddenly Shree looked at him…….. why don’t you write something about it ?
I am not an author..
Nobody was, before his first, just give it a try. Yes ! you can ! Shree gleamed.
Please don’t disturb me, I am already upset. And tell me…… what would I write ? am I going to tell people how to …uh..uh..uh……silly.

Neha and Radha
Around midnight, both Radha and Neha were busy studying in their tables under the table lamp when Radha stood, came to Neha and placed hand on her shoulder. Neha looked up. They both stared for a while as if Radha was lokking for something and Neha’s eyes were blank, lost.

May I ask something Neha,
Anything, anything for you Radha.
Still looking into her eyes, Radha asked, whats up Neha, something seems to have gone wrong. What is it ?
No Radha, there is nothing like going wrong. In fact, I am unable to decipher myself.
You don’t visit over Leena too, What is that, may I expect you to tell me ? Any mishap ?
Do you know what I have observed Neha ? For initial four five days after you started going to her, you were sort of happy, say eureka moments. Then you appeared normal, ordinary for a similar duration of time. But for last 5-6 days, you are neither happy nor sad, neither normal nor abnormal. You are…. You are……say ….. Lost…yes lost somewhere.
What is it Neha, please tell me.
Neha stood up and hugged Radha saying… please don’t push me away today. You have always observed me accurately, and this time too…. You are absolutely correct. I am lost. Yes! I am lost. At the moment,  I am not able to describe what it is. In fact, I don’t know. Can you tell me?. I think you can, only you can. Tell me Radha, what ails me ?
Just like you Neha, I can also sense what it is around you but cant translate it into words.
Neha, I know only what you know. I may have corrected you at times but created, always you have. Hopefully, we will get a breakthrough together.
OK, tell me Neha, is it about any misbehavior?
Betray ?
Medical problem ?
Something unwanted ?
Then what could it be ?
Any legal issue ?
Then what it is Neha ?
I don’t know Radha, I just don’t know, but it is there, this one thing I am sure about.
OK Neha, just go to sleep,
No Radha, it cannot be slept over.
O come on Neha, it is not something about end of civilization.
May be it is,
Not tonight atleast Neha, just get up and go to bed not because I want to go to bed too but I hope you would come to name the demon in your dreams.
Its serious Radha !
Even I am not joking dear, and you know this. Now please follow my advice as all the previous ones have proved fruitful without fail. I hope to get something by the morning. Hare Krishna ! Your Kissna !
Radha took Neha to bed and switched the lights off.

Next morning, Radha woke up and found that Neha was not in her bed. She looked around, in kitchen as well as in bathroom but she was nowhere.
Well, where could she be ? the door is also bolted from inside. Thinking, she again went in the kitchen and emptied her copper jug in one go after squeezing half a lemon in it. After that, as usual, she came in the balcony.
Aye ! what are you doing here? I’ve been looking around. You woke up early or kept awake whole night…… Are you okay ?............ What are you upto ? ……. Tell me dear…..
I will, if you stop bombarding once, Neha coolly suggested.
Right…. Actually Radha, I slept only for a while and could not continue sleeping after that. Then I delve around to see something worth reading. Text books were not appealing at that moment so I searched in your books too and found this book, as if waiting for me. Neha showed her the book that was in her hand.
DIVINE UNION OF ENERGIES, …… Radha appeared a little surprised. How come this book is here? It belongs to my dad and so far as I can remember, I didn’t chose it to be here……. Let me think…….
Doesn’t matter…. Neha interrupted…… This information was needed to be here today, and IT ISSS here…..How or When or by Whom is not important to me.
Do you know Radha, what it is about ?
No, I never felt like going through it but my dad often picked it from his collection.
You are a fool, Radha
And you….the biggest one, they both burst into a laugh.
OK Nia, now get up and fetch me a delicious Tea.
Delicious ! that pungent concoction and you call it delicious.
Whatever, fetch first then we will start the day.
My day has begun Radha, I believe it has started…… Neha spoke in a paranormal tone with closed eyes and a budha smile.
After a while,
Right now, here is your tea.
Radha took her cup while Neha kept her on the balcony railing and dragged the other chair closer to Radha.
I have told you so many time Neha, but you always place the cup this way. What if it spills over down on someone ?
Don’t worry yaar, its okay.
Yes Radha, Neha said with a sip, you were right, your Kissna….no my Kissna has solutions for every trouble that He has created.
Radha, almost astonished…..Troubles! He has created, what do you mean ?
Didn’t you tell me Radha that He is the ultimate Creator ?
What then ! He has created everything, the Cosmos, humans and their troubles too.
No, you are wrong Neha. He has only created human mind that loves creating troubles only for itself, be sure.
Anyway, tell me one thing
What ?
Do your parent love each other very much ?
Off course, and it is not question worth asking.
It is…. Radha,
Is your mom mad behind him ?
Him…. Who him ?
Your dad yaar
Yes dear, but what are you upto today, why this silly questioning ?
Tell me Radha, howsoever bigger the quarrel between them, they pacify each other very soon, do they ?
Now Radha also became interested.
But what do you want to say Neha ?
Nothing, I can't SAY anything yet. But one thing I am becoming sure about that you indeed are my guardian angel. This book seemingly says rightly that Nothing Happens By Chance, It is all a divine play and we all are mere actors playing our assigned roles.
Ok, tea time is over Neha, now get ready for the class. You go first or I ?
You go Radha, I don’t want to go to the class today.
Just like that yaar, I don’t feel like.
Are you sure ok Neha ?
Yes Radha, I will be.
"Your screws have loosen up perhaps but why bunking class? You never have done this before. Not even when you kept awake for whole night. What is it today ?"

"I don’t know Radha, but I will stay here in the room today, you please go".

"As you wish, Radha shrugged and moved on".

Radha got ready and left for the class and as usual, the gang was guffawing near the entrance at school block.

Jatin remarked…… "Hi Radha, where is your twin today ? We thought you were inseparable".

"We indeed are Jatin, she is just not feeling well today so she would stay put at the room".

Leena came forward and said, "Is everything ok Radha ?"

"Off course Leeeeena Ji ! everything is very very fine".

"And yes ! all of you, nobody need to call on her, she is sleeping".

"Wow!, you kept awake whole night", chirped in Samar, "both of you were at something perhaps!".

"Keep your imaginations with your own self dear", Radha said and moved on, without caring for any response, as bell rang.

At the room, Neha, as expected, picked that book Divine Union of Energies and started flipping through it as soon as Radha left. 
".........Beyond spiritual, we are also Orgosexual beings who crave to have just another glimpse of that petty ecstatic bliss that we all have witnessed, inevitably, while transferring from our respective fathers. Though, it's a cheaper version of that ultimate reality...... knowing nothing about that biggest and ultimate Supreme Bliss which, though it may be rare, is not impossible to's not release, it's creation and his partner is not a dumping ground for his junk." 
She flipped on " witness it, one need not be a practitioner of Tantra or any other practice. Everybody, just everybody is capable of achieving it; to whatsoever sect or belief system they may belong to....Once one has entered into the marriage, it's his duty, moral, religious and also social, to perform his responsibilities with perfection as, on whom else his partner shall look up to"
"'s not in the act but the synergy achieved or created through the mingling and intertwining of feminine and masculine energies that lead us to witness what we crave for........"
"......only that way, the energy is not spent but renewed and also conserved".
Then Neha realized that she was hungry. She had to think twice to decide before putting the book down "I better get something to eat; let's see what's available".

She started searching for something to eat in the boxes put on a table in the corner they called kitchen. Soon she found a box full of cookies that Radha brought from home. 

"It will do" she assured herself and took a handful of them. Then she came back in bed with the book. 

"India, our land is not only the land of Lord Krishna but also that of Kama Sutra..."

"Interesting" she murmured to herself, while biting on cookies.

She further flipped through the book and read some more of it before she slept on it.

"Get up energy scientist" It was Radha who woke her up and offered lemonade, after picking the book from Neha's lap.

"I slept so long" Neha said and took glass from Radha.

To be continued...... vinxn2003.

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